Open Contracting & Institutional Engagement

DONOR: Omidyar Network

THE PROJECT: BudgIT improved the website of the Public and Private Development Centre (PPDC), Nigeria’s leading procurement advocacy NGO, with a view to furthering transparency in bidding, procurement and contract delivery processes across the private and public sectors of the country.


  • The partnership has ensured the PPDC website enjoys enhanced user-navigation, migration of content and also access to datasets for all stakeholders.
  • With two stages of review and design achieved, we also have a searchable library currently under development.
  • In line with global Open Contracting principles and standards, BudgIT has built APIs from the 2008-2014 datasets.

PPDC Radio Programs: In order to make the legislative and executive arms of Government more responsive to the letters written by community members seeking implementation of developmental projects in their neighbourhoods, PPDC appears on the renowned Brekete radio program and discusses these projects and the elected government representatives involved. Mentioned and referred to are those that have responded, as well as those officials that have yet to respond to the needs of the people. Based on the radio appearances, PPDC has sent constituency projects for different local Governments to various people on request. The radio programs are available here: PPDC Radio

Animations: As part of the multi-media PSA, PPDC has produced a 2-minute animation on inflated contracts titled Done Deal and which is available Here

The animation which was published on the 10th of January, 2014 currently has 21,948 views. To ensure that the message within the animation was not limited to CSO contacts, the animation was put on Premium Times and on Linda Ikeji blog. The next episode shall be published in 4 weeks.

Open Alliance Project: Nigeria is yet to join the Open Government Partnership, despite our intense engagement with the OGP Nigeria Group. We participated in all the meetings and also provided support to all partners on the National Action Plan development. We have also held two meetings with CSOs in the Open Alliance platform on developing the right action plan. We are working with partners in the Open Alliance project to ensure Nigeria joins the OGP.